DesignWeb is a high tech web development company based in the UK. They offer various website design packages for small, medium and large businesses in UK. DesignWeb prides itself on being “the world’s number one expert in website development and design.” They pride themselves on creating “design centric, cutting edge websites.”
If you own or run a small business, you can use DesignWeb’s web services package to create your websites. You can obtain a cheap or even free website from them. Their professional services include website development, ecommerce solutions, website marketing, graphic design, and website promotion. The company has helped thousands of companies market their products and services online. The following is an interview with Jonny Andrews, DesignWeb CEO.
Tell us a bit about yourself, how did you get started in this industry and what are you normally involved with? I started out as a 15-year-old student who was interested in computers, however, I quickly discovered that I needed more than that! I decided that I wanted a career that would allow me to make a living online, and design packages were where I turned. I began with a very basic website to learn the ropes. As my business grew, I managed to hire additional staff to help with growing responsibilities.
Where does your design packages take you? Most of us have a basic website that we use to operate our business. We can add design packages to help us grow our business further. If we want to add more design options, we can start by contacting other companies that offer those services. We then discuss prices and options and work out a plan that suits both of us. This is the perfect example of cost savings and business growth in action.
Do you offer any web hosting packages? Web hosting is a crucial component of operating a website. Without a website, it is virtually impossible to conduct business over the Internet. Hosting is the process of hosting a web site on a server that offers that service. Without web hosting, it is almost impossible for us to operate a presence on the World Wide Web.
Do you provide design packages? I love helping people get started on the Internet. I feel that the more design options a person has, the better their chances are of succeeding. I always recommend starting out with a basic website until you feel comfortable enough to grow into a more professional design. Then, expand your options. You will be glad you did!